Cheat saves on instagram, this is a service that helps you increase the number (add to bookmarks) saves your publications. The cost is calculated from a minimum order of 100 saves, and then a discount system is applied, where the price is reduced, due to the volume of the ordered service.
* Please, when placing an order, indicate the correct link to the photos or video to which you want to wind up the save.
Buy save on instagram
Here you can purchase any number (bookmarks) of saves on instagram from the submitted online forms. For example, more savings, for less money. In order to buy a save, just select the quantity and in a pop-up form, specify a link to a photo, video. As well as an email address, and by clicking on the button to wind up, pay for your order convenient for you. — buy instagram post saves
Description of services for wrapping save on Instagram
We respect and attentive to each client, but we have recommendations on the promotion of savings, rules, and we ask you to familiarize yourself with them.
The wrapping of saves is carried out automatically, so it is important to specify the links correctly. The link can be indicated both in the photo and in the video.
Your account should be open and not have privacy settings (closed account). If your profile on Instagram is closed! The system will not be able to go to the photo, the video and the order will not start and will receive the status, not completed!
Can I cheat instagram save to a friend? Decision is on you. If you want to wind up save not on your account, you can do it without problems. It is important that the account you want to give such a gift is open (see description 2.).
What kind of conservation is this? Saves are made by live users from their accounts!
How to see how many saves per publication? You can see the number of saved saves (bookmarks) only in the business account. Since users with such an account, statistics are available for each post. Including the number of saves.
The maximum number of saves that you can wind up? Virtually any! We can handle any order, you can rest assured!
Speed of wrapping! If you don’t have a queue, for example, 100 orders, then the wrapping will start within 5-20 minutes, more often even faster.
Technical support, any question. Always in touch with a computer, tablet, mobile device (phone).
Payment is automatic, in any convenient way you choose. Through one of the leading systems in the online payment market — robokassa.